Monday, 19 November 2007

Los Angeles


After the last minute drama over passports and all the final preparations, which always take longer than expected, an afternoon at the Getty Villa in Malibu, north of Los Angeles, was a welcome break.

Below: Istvan and Delia

The Getty Villa has undergone massive changes since I last visited in 1990. The vast display of paintings is now found in the Getty Centre in LA, and the Getty Villa exhibits marble scupltures, glasswork, pottery, jewelley, mosaics and frescos.

Last year I read The Agony and the Ecstacy, the story of Michaelangelo. I am in awe of the work of the artists who created the frescoes and the scupltors who selected marble and spent years creating what we now see.

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Imagine piles of little tiles, many of them in similar shades........ and here is what a clever artist can create.

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